Before You begin
It is very likely you are here because you have a real problem and you need a real help. So, before you begin let us quickly check that you know your user name and password. That is your Office365 credentials.
Your local Outlook installation might be in the limbo, thus you can not rely on it. Not to worry. Just please click on the link below.
This opens your favorite browser and you see in front of you, good old user name & password little dialogue.
type in your user name, password and click “Log In”. If all is dandy and fine you will receive, so-called JSON messages in a file, called messages.json. This is coming straight from the mail server containing all your inbox items. If either user name or password is wrong Authentication dialogue will pop-up again. You know the drill.
So we know that you have your Office365 account, you know your credentials and server is there and functions properly.
Now that you have established your credentials please proceed.
Fix Outlook and Office 365 problems
with Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365
Click HERE
Using either “cracked” Windows or “cracked” Office 2010, 2007 or 2013, will inevitably lead to the strange universe where things do behave in most peculiar ways. And where one can easily lose oneself. Therefore the procedures explained bellow might not yield any meaningful results, in case you choose that path.
Before using Office 365 with your local Windows and/or Office installations, please make sure they are both registered AND activated.
Go to next page onto the official step 1 (page numbers are bellow)
Now. This is one of those “Windows things”. Especially in case you are here because Outlook is repeatedly asking for a password. Which you know is the right one. So let’s check this one and keep it out of the way.
- Go to your Control Panel. Find and open “Credential Manager”
- Click on “Windows Credentials”
- Find and erase any credential that mentions email in it. The email that you are trying to connect to with your Outlook, that is.
- Also, be sure to remove SSO-POP Device and SSO_POP_User
This is the example Credential Manager UI. Private data unfocused
Note: You better have Office 2013 🙂 2010 works but with manual setup. 2007 maybe. 2003 no. It does not work. In essence, the advice is: jump onto the Office365 bandwagon ASAP. It is really cheap.
For Office 2010 users
Before you begin
- Be sure you have installed Outlook 2010 , 32 bit edition update KB2553248, by clicking HERE.
- Please be sure you have applied Service Pack 2 for Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2687455) 32-Bit Edition, by clicking HERE.
Now you are ready for Office365
Please proceed bellow:
If you’re an Office 365 user using Outlook 2010, you need to set up your desktop before you can set up Outlook to access your account. For more information, see Use my current Office desktop apps with Office 365.
For Office 2007 users
Please update to Office 2013. It is cheap and it works. Save yourself a lot of time.
Please proceed here:
On the affected workstation, use a web browser to go to, and then click the Office 365 tab. Select the Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTPS) test. Provide your email address, Microsoft account name (UserID), and your Office 365 credentials. Make sure that you do not change the default setting of Use Autodiscover to detect server settings.
The Last Alternative?
One can setup connection to the O365 Exchange Server using non-default setup. That means : POP and IMAP access. For instructions please jump HERE .