Project Tag: dropbox

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What is the Dropbox badge?



What is the Dropbox badge?

When you first see the Dropbox badge, a greeting notification appears. To dismiss this notification, you can either click on the badge or complete the “Learn More” tutorial.

The badge appears on any Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, or Excel file saved in your Dropbox. The badge gives you easy access to some of the best Dropbox features:

  • See who is viewing or editing a file. The badge will show the picture or initials of other Dropbox for Business users when they are viewing or making edits to the file you have open. That way you can avoid creating separate versions of the file.
  • Update to the latest version of a file. If someone saves a new version of a file while you’re working on it, the badge will help you instantly update to their version.
  • Instantly share the file you’re working on. Click Share a link and a link to the file will be copied to your clipboard. Paste that link in an email, chat, or elsewhere to send the file securely to anyone.
  • Ask for feedback or contibutions on a file. Click Comment to make a note on a file from the Dropbox website.
  • View file history to find content you changed or deleted. Click View File History to undo changes and restore a previous version of the file.
  • Move the badge. You can click and drag the badge anywhere along the border of your files.
  • Work better on Microsoft Office files. The badge currently supports Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel on Mac and Windows devices. For Windows, it supports 2007, 2010, and 2013 Office files. For Mac, it supports 2011 Office files.

See the badge in action:


Learn more about the Dropbox badge:

Note: For files saved in Compatibility Mode (.xls, .ppt, .doc), the Dropbox badge will not show when another person is viewing the file and it won’t prompt you to update to the latest version of the file. To ensure the badge is reporting accurately, please use Save As to save files in a non-Compatibility Mode file format (.xlsx, .pptx, .docx).

Also note that timing and exact functionality of these features may change from what’s shared here, and Dropbox does not provide warranties on the performance of these features.