We know you should. No, not of the kind like on the picture here. That is just editorial humour for you.
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This is direct from the ICO Commissioner. Importance of this post can not be overstated. Please read carefully.
Using Cloud Services? What the End of Safe Harbor Means for EU Companies
Amazing self-damaging downsizing of OneDrive plans has happened: https://blog.onedrive.com/onedrive_changes/ Continue reading
Yet another post on this subject but this time with real costs of owning Exchange on premises. Clearly showing all the Capex and Opex costs related to savings made by adopting Exchange on line.
Note: technical bits are removed so that focus is on the business benefits.
It’s enough to drive a regular IT market watcher to the point of despair. There has been a wide-ranging change in the way business operates driven by technology transformation — could there ever be a more obvious statement to make, ever?
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