Keywords GDPR

14 posts

GDPR : Clean up your mailbox

This post is made for very large portion of business population. We are talking about 90% here. Companies with very small number of desktops.

It this is you please read on. You are (very likely) using Office (365 or not). And you are categorized as SME , and thus very likely, you have no services of this mythical creature called: Administrator.

You have nobody but yourself. And this good blog 🙂 Continue reading

GDPR conundrums



Consider this.

Imagine you have applied for a patent. Patent award approval takes some time (or more) and during that period, your name is publicly available and related to that patent request to be granted.

And after that. until a patent expires and goes into the archive. Where your name is still available and associated with a patent expired. Continue reading

What are: RTO and RPO?

Modern IT products, used by modern and compliant businesses, must convince customers that they contain sound High Availability (HA) strategy in place. Architected, Designed and Implemented. Continue reading