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Business Compliance requires business email signatures to exist and to contain relevant information. Outlook 2010 is by far the most utilised email client in corporate environments. Unfortunately copying email signatures, carefully developed on one’s desktop, is not that straightforward to copy to laptop or another PC. This text shows how is that done.
Copy Outlook 2010 email signatures to another computer
Step 1: Copy email signatures from the original computer
- Exit Outlook.
- Open the folder where signatures are saved.
Because the Signatures folder is a hidden folder, the easiest way to open the folder is to use the command%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures on the Start menu.
- Windows 7 Click Start. Next to the Shut down button, in the Search programs and files box, type%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and then press Enter.
- Windows Vista Click Start. Next to the Shut Down button, in the Search box, type%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and then press Enter.
- Windows XP Click Start, click Run, type %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and then press Enter.
- Copy the signature files.
There are three files for each email signature — an HTML Document (.htm), Rich Text File (.rtf), and Text Document (.txt).
Step 2: Copy signatures to the destination computer
- Exit Outlook.
- On the destination computer, open the folder %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures.
Because the Signatures folder is a hidden folder, the easiest way to open the folder is to use the command%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures on the Start menu.
- Windows 7 Click Start. Next to the Shut down button, in the Search programs and files box, type%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and then press Enter.
- Windows Vista Click Start. Next to the Shut Down button, in the Search box, type%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and then press Enter.
- Windows XP Click Start, click Run, type %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Signatures and then press Enter.
- Start Outlook.
Your stationery is now available in Outlook on the destination computer.
Step 3: Update older signatures
For signatures created in older versions of Outlook, you should update the signature files so that they use revised HTML code that uses cascading style sheets (CSS). This helps prevent potential problems when switching or deleting signatures in a message.
- Click the File tab.
- Click Options.
- Click Mail.
- Under Compose messages, click Signatures.
- In the Signatures and Stationery dialog box, in the Select signature to edit list, click a signature.
- Click in the Edit signature box, and then click Save.

Mastering Modern Windows backup/restore system
Modern Windows is any version after 8.0
Modern Windows has easily the most comprehensive backup-and-recovery system ever seen on a personal computer.
With little user effort, and when applied correctly, Win8’s built-in backup tools provide automatic, frequent, triple-data redundancy.
Inexplicably, however, Microsoft tends to describe each tool more or less in isolation. It doesn’t provide a simple, comprehensive explanation of how the backup components work together — and do so extremely well.
This article rectifies that deficiency; it describes how to use File History, OneDrive, and other options as a complete system for near-bulletproof backups.
You’ll also find numerous links to articles that provide detailed how-to information — and operational tips on backing up Windows 8 systems.
An overview: Win’s three-part backup system
Here are the main components:
- File History — Local backups of user data: Win8’s File History tool makes continuous, near-real-time, incremental backups of selected user files. It then stores these backups on a networked or USB-attached external drive. If the primary copy (the working file) is damaged or accidentally erased, it can be quickly and easily restored from the local File History backups.
- OneDrive — remote user-data backup: Local backups are critical, but they have a potentially fatal flaw: any event that damages your PC or the drive containing your working files might also eliminate your local backups. Fires, floods, thefts, electrical surges, and similar catastrophes might result in the loss of all local copies. The answer for that possibility is cloud storage/backup, which maintains copies of your files on fully protected data servers, far removed from your PC.
Microsoft’s cloud-based storage service started out as the relatively simple SkyDrive. But over the past few years, Microsoft has steadily improved the service’s capabilities, including tightly integrating it with Office 2013 and building it into Windows 8. (In fact, one of the early complaints about Office 2013 was its preference for storing files in SkyDrive.) Because of a trademark dispute, the service was renamed OneDrive in early 2014.
There are, of course, many other cloud storage and backup services that will let you restore lost files. But — as is hardly discussed at all by Microsoft — OneDrive and File History can work cooperatively to provide automatic, double backups of all your important files.
With almost no effort on your part, files can be automatically saved to three separate locations — the primary data drive, the external File History drive, and the OneDrive cloud — in near-real time. It virtually guarantees that you’ll never lose an important file again!
Why “important” files? By default, OneDrive users get 15GB of free online storage. Yes, you can put copies of all your data on OneDrive — but only if it amounts to fewer than 15GB or you’re willing to pay for additional storage space.
- OS backups and system imaging: Windows 8 includes separate tools to back up and restore the operating system. Refresh lets you perform a nondestructive reinstall of the operating system while leaving most of your user files alone. However, not all user-installed, desktop applications will survive the process; you must use the custom imaging option to preserve your specific software setup. Reset does a full, clean-slate, factory restore.
With that foundation, we’re ready to take a closer look.
How File History creates reliable local backups
As mentioned above, Win8’s File History (Figure 1) is a highly automated, set-and-forget, near-real-time, archiving system. It does, however, require a drive other than the primary Windows (typically C:) drive. The backup drive can be a second internal disk, an external USB storage device, or a networked drive.

By default, File History automatically backs up everything in your Windows libraries — typically Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. But it can also back up other files and folders if you simply add them to a Windows Library. Likewise, you can exclude files and folders from File History by removing them from a library.
File History also automatically backs up four standard Windows user folders: Desktop, Favorites, Contacts, and anything stored in your local OneDrive folder (which I’ll come back to in the next section).
To get up to speed quickly on File History’s configuration, customization, and use, see the following:
“Understanding Windows 8’s File History” – July 11, 2013, Top Story
“Windows 8: File History explained” – TechNet article
“Set up a drive for File History” – MS how-to
“Customize File History’s backups with ease” – Oct. 9, 2014, LangaList Plus (paid content).
Keep in mind that File History makes incremental backups every hour, by default. But you can have it run as often as every 10 minutes. As a result, File History can consume a lot of disk space. The advanced settings (Figure 2) let you control how often File History runs and how long it should save backup files.

(A related article discusses how to work around a rare but annoying bug that can cause File History to back up every file, every time. See the Aug. 15, 2013, LangaList Plus column, “Solving File History’s ‘excessive saves’ bug” [paid content].)
File History can also have connection issues with multiple external drives. If you routinely connect and disconnect various external drives, check out the March 6, 2014, LangaList Plus item, “How to make File History retain drive IDs.” Your hard drive’s sleep and suspend cycles can also interfere with File History’s ability to make backups. See the Nov. 28, 2013, LangaList Plus, “A warning regarding Win8’s File History.”
With File History properly configured, Win8 will make reliable and automatic local backups of whatever files you’ve set it to maintain.
How OneDrive adds another layer of data security
All Windows 8 users should be familiar with Microsoft’s OneDrive online service. Again, it’s built into the operating system and automatically gives Win8 users 15GB of free, cloud-based storage. (Additional storage is surprisingly inexpensive; see MS info.)
But OneDrive does more than store copies of your data files. By default, Win8 automatically backs up seven types of personalization/customization settings to your associated OneDrive account: Start screen layout, color scheme, theme and background, language preference, browser history, browser favorites, and the settings for any apps you obtained from the Windows Store. (For more on this, see the Dec. 11, 2014, LangaList column, “Controlling Win8’s auto-synching of settings.”)
Anything you or your software saves or adds to OneDrive is automatically stored in the cloud on Microsoft servers. But OneDrive does much more — though Microsoft does a terrible job of explaining those capabilities.
For example, the local OneDrive folder on your C: drive normally stores only snippets and partial copies of any files you’re working on; the full copies reside in the cloud. But OneDrive also offers a Make available offline option. Any files or folders to which you apply the option are fully available for offline access; OneDrive automatically stores a second complete copy of the file or folder on your hard drive.
That’s the key to Win8’s outstanding data redundancy. If you store your important files and folders in OneDrive and then use the Make available offline option, OneDrive makes two complete copies. When combined with File History, you end up with:
- A live copy in the OneDrive folder on your hard drive
- A backup copy stored in the cloud on the OneDrive servers
- A local backup saved by File History on a second (typically external) drive.
That’s about as bulletproof and automatic as a backup system gets!
Moreover, because File History makes frequent, incremental backups, the Make available offline option provides a form of versioning for your OneDrive-based files. Your local OneDrive folder and the OneDrive servers will always contain the most recent copy of any included file, and File History will contain as many previous iterations of the file as you’ve configured it to capture.
The Make available offline option is easy to implement: in File Manager, open your OneDrive folder and right-click any included file or folder. Then select Make available offline, as shown in Figure 3. It’s that simple.

For me, the “Make available offline” — combined with OneDrive in the cloud and local File History — is the best feature of the Win8 backup system. It should be enough to protect your data against almost any imaginable form of loss.
OneDrive is generally easy to access and use; but if you’d like more information, see these Microsoft sources:
Note: There’s a potential OneDrive issue that Microsoft does not cover well. The service is linked to your Microsoft account, which you also use when signing in to Win8 systems. But Win8 also allows for other types of sign-ins — seven in all — and not all of them allow for automatic access to OneDrive.
If you have trouble accessing your OneDrive account — or for tips on how to prevent access trouble in the first place — see the Jan. 8 LangaList Plus column, “Taming Win8’s seven-way sign-in hassles.”
Security Note: It’s always wise to encrypt your most sensitive folders or files to prevent snoops from being able to access them — especially if the data will be transmitted over the Internet or stored in a cloud-based server. I use 7-Zip (free; site) to apply 256-AES encryption to sensitive files and folders stored in my local OneDrive folder. The encrypted files are then automatically replicated to the cloud and to my File History backups.
A refresher on Win8 OS and software restorations
File History and OneDrive deal mostly with user files and data. But as mentioned above, Win8 provides separate mechanisms for backing up and restoring operating-system files and installed software.
Refresh: Windows 8’s ‘Refresh your PC without affecting your files’ feature returns system files to their original condition while leaving the users’ accounts, data, passwords, and personal files largely untouched. But there are limitations. For example, Refresh removes any non-native Windows 8 (typically, desktop) apps that you’ve installed. For full information, see the Aug. 15, 2013, Top Story, “A ‘no-reformat reinstall’ for Windows 8.”
Reset: If a refresh doesn’t work. Win8’s ‘Remove everything and reinstall’ option wipes out your existing setup and rolls Windows back to its initial, out-of-the-box state. For details on this process, see the Sept. 12, 2013, Top Story, “A clean-slate reinstall for Windows 8.”
Microsoft doesn’t stress this, but I will: Reset is designed to work with File History. After a system reset, File History can automatically repopulate your Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Desktop, Favorites, Contacts, and any other folders or files you’ve added to File History — such as OneDrive items you’ve made available offline. Depending on how your system is set up, the post-Reset file-restoration process might be fully automatic, or it might require a few clicks to get started. (See the Win8 how-to, “Restore files or folders using File History.”) Either way, it’s an almost effortless way to get back all your user files and data after an operating system reset.
Customized system recovery images: Win8’s built-in Recimg.exe tool (Recimg, for short) is a command-line option that creates custom system images (see Figure 4). When needed, custom images can return Win8 to a user’s specific configuration — including all applications installed when the custom image was made (not just native Win8 apps). For detailed instructions, see the Oct. 10, 2013, Top Story, “Creating customized recovery images for Win8.”

Once Windows is fully restored from a custom system image, use File History to restore the latest copies of your files.
Note: If you use encryption products such as TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt, or Boxcryptor that create “containers” with assigned drive letters, you can’t make custom system images. If you try it, Recimg will simply fail with a generic error message. For more information and a workaround, see the Dec. 11, 2014, LangaList Plus, “Why VeraCrypt won’t work with Windows 8.”
Make sure you can access your backups
Obviously, backups are worthless if you can’t get to them. You should be able to access your backups regardless of the circumstances — even if Windows won’t run or your PC won’t boot from its hard drive. Be sure you have a working bootable emergency-repair disk or drive. These articles can help:
- “Emergency repair disks for Windows: Part 1” – April 10, 2014, Top Story.
- “Emergency repair disks for Windows: Part 2” – April 17, 2014, Top Story
If you have trouble booting your system from the emergency disc, see:
- “How to solve UEFI boot and startup problems” – Dec. 11, 2014, Top Story
- “Emergency access to your PC’s UEFI [boot] settings”– in this issue’s LangaList Plus section (paid content).
- Third-party backup/restore alternatives
Nothing’s perfect. Although Win8’s backup/restore system works well in most circumstances, it might not be a good fit for your particular configuration. Or you might simply not want to trust your data to the cloud.
If that’s the case, there are numerous third-party backup tools that can produce traditional backups and images of your Win8 system. Some of the more popular products include:
- Macrium Reflect – free and paid (with free trial) versions
- Paragon Backup & Recovery – 30-day demo and paid versions
- Acronis True Image – paid with 30-day free trial (site)
- EaseUS Todo Backup – free and paid versions.
For some Windows 8 setups, an automated cloud-based backup service might be more suitable. See Lincoln Spector’s Nov. 20, 2014, Best Practices story, “Cloud data protection: Synching versus backup” [paid content]. You can find more alternatives by doing a Web search for “windows 8.1 local backup.”
Win8 backups: Significantly different but arguably better. Microsoft did a poor job of documenting backup and recovery in Win8, and getting used to the process does take some effort. But it’s well worth taking some time to understand and implement Win8’s built-in backup-and-restore tools.
Once configured, Win8’s backup system offers automated, redundant, near-real-time data security that most traditional backups simply can’t match.
Try the Windows 8 way — you’ll probably never go back!
In case you find youself to be an “advanced” email practitioner, then you are likely an avid user of ThunderBird (TB) email client.
In which case it is logical to expect you do know how to connect the TB to “anything”. But there is one small gotcha.
ThunderBird uses so called “Mozilla ISP database” where details of large number of email servers are stored so that your connecting experience is smooth and usually “automatic”. But alas there is no Office365 Exchange email server in that database, as of time of this writing which is February 2015. And alas again, ThunderBird thinks you want to connect to system. Which decidedly is not Office365 system.
So in that case you will click on that “Manual Config” button. And you will be presented with the dialogue as bellow and you will fill it in with values as bellow.

Obviously you will type in your user name, address and password. Not mine.
Note: click on each image to see it in full size.
After you have followed the procedure outlined below and in case you see this message afterward:

Please be aware that your machine does not have the correct version of Office installed. Also please check if you are running unregistered MS Office, in so-called “evaluation mode”. MS Office must be both installed and registered.
Set up your current Office desktop programs to work with Exchange On-Line
Step 1: Run Office 365 desktop setup
- Sign in to Office 365 with your work or school account.
- Click Software > Desktop setup.
- On the Desktop setup page, click Set up.
- When you’re asked if you want to run the application, click Run, and then follow the instructions.
- During setup, you’ll sign in again with your user ID.
- Office 365 desktop setup checks your system configuration, and you’ll see options for configuring your desktop applications. You can also learn more about the updates that the desktop setup installs.
If some applications have shaded checkboxes, they’re not available for you to select, perhaps because your admin hasn’t set up your account to use them with Office 365. Or your computer may not have the applications installed.
- After you select your desktop applications, click Continue to finish up.
- When the desktop setup finishes, you may need to restart your computer.
Step 2: Connect your desktop version of Outlook to Office 365
After you have run Office 365 desktop setup, connect the desktop version of Outlook that you’re already using to Office 365. You can then access your Office 365 or other Exchange-based email using the desktop version of Outlook, like Outlook 2013, Outlook 2010, or Outlook 2007, or by using the web browser version of Outlook, Outlook Web App.
To connect your desktop version of Outlook to Office 365, see:
If you need to, you can also migrate email and contacts into Office 365.
Tips and troubleshooting
If there’s a problem during the setup process, the first check Troubleshoot issues you might see when you run Office 365 desktop setup for a possible solution. If the problem keeps happening, contact your organization’s Office 365 admin or post a question in the Office 365 Community to get help.
Watch this video to learn about using Office Online in Office 365.
Start using your team site and OneDrive for Business to share the documents you’re working on with your co-workers.
Applies To: Office 365 End User, Office 365 Admin, Office 365 Small Business Admin
10 Tricks to Make Yourself a OneDrive Master
2015 Feb 06: Sourced from here.
The Microsoft cloud storage platform formerly known as SkyDrive now reaches across desktops, laptops and mobile devices, and will become even more important when Windows 10 arrives later this year. We’ve gathered together 10 helpful tips to make sure you’re getting the most from your OneDrive account and to demonstrate some of its capabilities.
1. Save documents to OneDrive automatically on Windows
If you’re saving everything in OneDrive, it’s all automatically backed up to the cloud and available from all your machines when you need it. What’s not to like? It’s also a great reassurance to have should your laptop fall into a pond. That’s exactly what Microsoft seems to think too, and if you sign into Windows 8.1 with a Microsoft account then documents are saved to folders in OneDrive by default.

1You can find the option from the Settings charm by choosing Change PC settings, OneDrive and then File storage. The way this works has changed several times since Windows 8 first appeared on the scene—and is likely to change again before Windows 10 officially launches—so it’s worth double-checking on this setting on a regular basis to make sure you’re not sending stuff to the cloud that you don’t want to.
2. Get more storage space
Microsoft has borrowed a trick from Dropbox’s book and is offering to give some extra storage space to any user who automatically uploads photos from a mobile client. At the time of writing it’s 3GB but it changes now and then. If you’re an Office 365 subscriber, by the way, then you get an unlimited amount of space under Microsoft’s new plan for 2015.

All you need to do is install the OneDrive client for Android or iOS and turn on automatic photo uploading when prompted or from within the app’s Settingsmenu (look for the Camera backup option). You can also do the same trick from a Windows Phone or Windows 8.1 device to claim your additional space. Your extra storage limit may take a day or two to show up.
3. Cache files for offline access in Windows
This is another feature that Microsoft is going to change in Windows 10, but for the Windows 8.1-powered present, most of the files in your OneDrive folder are stored online by default, then downloaded and cached when required. This can cause problems if you suddenly lose internet access for whatever reason.

2You can easily store files locally too, although they will obviously then take up more room on the hard drive. Right-click on a file or a folder inside the main OneDrive folder and you’ll notice a Make available offline option on the list. Select this if you want to be sure you can access the selected files the next time you’re without Wi-Fi. To cache everything, right-click on the OneDrive entry in the navigation pane.
4. Save attachments from
Microsoft added the ability to save attachments straight to OneDrive last month and it saves you going through the intermediate step of saving something to the hard drive and then uploading it again. If something is in OneDrive then it automatically appears on all of your connected devices as well, of course.

3You probably don’t need our help to work out how to use it once you know it’s there: Open an email with an attachment and click the Save to OneDrive link that appears (you can also click on the attachment itself). Files saved in this way are stored in a special Email attachments folder in OneDrive by default.
5. Search inside files and photos
When you run a search in the OneDrive web interface, the text within documents and extracted from images is searched as well; OneDrive actually applies Optical Character Recognition technology to the PDFs and pictures you have saved in your account to help you find any text that you need.

If you want to see evidence of this, open up an image that contains text (like a screenshot) and click on the info button (an “i” inside a circle) in the lower right-hand corner. Text that has been found is listed under the Extracted text heading and you can copy and paste it elsewhere if required. Click on the #Text tag to see all the images where OneDrive has recognized text.
6. Pin folders to your Android home screen
One of the features you might find useful in the OneDrive app for Android is the ability to create widgets on your home screen for particular folders. Find the widgets menu in the normal way (tap and hold on a blank area of the home screen) and then select the OneDrive option. You’ll then be prompted to choose a folder from your account.

You might want to give yourself quick access to your photos folder, for example, or a folder where all of your key work documents are stored. Folder shortcuts appear as 1×1 squares so you can fill up a whole home screen of them if you’d like to. You can’t stack them on top of each other as you can with shortcut icons, though.
7. Set folder thumbnails
If a folder inside your OneDrive account contains images, you’ll see those images as a thumbnail slideshow when you’re viewing your folders on the web. If you want to make this slightly neater and stop the live tile effect (or hide some of the picture that are inside), it’s possible to specify a particular picture to use permanently as the folder’s cover image.

Head into the folder in question, right-click on the picture (or video clip) you want to use and select Add as cover from the pop-up menu that appears. In most cases the images and videos you can use inside a particular folder are listed underneath the documents and other file types it contains.
8. Get old versions back
Another useful feature available on the right-click menu in the OneDrive web interface relates to version history. OneDrive keeps up to 25 different versions of documents in the standard Office formats, together with information about when changes were made and who made them; if you’re working on a file with other people, it becomes even more useful.

Right-click on a compatible file from the list and choose Version history to see all of the versions currently available (and switch back to them if required). If you delete a file while you’re in the online interface, remember there’s a recycle bin that you can access from the links in the lower left-hand corner.
9. Embed presentations anywhere
OneDrive includes a host of different embedding and sharing options, but one of the most useful is the one that lets you embed a PowerPoint slideshow presentation on any other website. Other cloud storage services have similar features, but only Microsoft has the PowerPoint expertise and know-how to make the job as simple as possible.

Select one of the PowerPoint files in your OneDrive account on the web and clickEmbed from the menu at the top. Select Generate and your HTML code is displayed ready to be copied and pasted. Anyone who comes across the embedded presentation is able to download a copy, save it as a PDF, or embed it somewhere else, so bear this in mind when sharing.
10. Use selective sync on a Mac
In Windows 8,1 OneDrive doesn’t include a selective sync feature any more because it’s baked right into Microsoft’s all-encompassing operating system, but it’s still there on the Mac client. It’s a handy feature to have if you want to upload or download some OneDrive files without moving everything over to another laptop or desktop computer.

4Click on the OneDrive icon on the menu bar, choose Preferences and then switch to the Choose Folders tab. If you select the Choose folders to syncoption on the subsequent screen you can untick any folder that you don’t want to be synced. The unselected folders, complete with their contents, are still available everywhere else you have OneDrive installed.